Timey Wimey Tees - $12
Time Left:


Designed by Blakely737 and discovered at Timey Wimey Tees.
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Timey Wimey Tees Review | Vitals:
Updates: Every 3 days at Midnight EST
Genres: Doctor Who
Prints On: Heavyweight 100% Cotton
Printing Method: Screen
Founded: 2014 Price at Launch: $14  Current Price: $14
Timey Wimey Tees Site Review | Summary:

Unlike its sister site Fresh Brewed Tee, Timey Wimey Tees includes free U.S. shipping in the t-shirt price, but costs $2 more. The idea behind the site is simple, create a Doctor Who daily t-shirt site that offers Doctor Who shirt deals for a limited amount of time (currently 3 days). The name Timey Wimey Tees is a reference to the Doctor's explanation of time on the show, when he likens it to "a big ball of wibbly wobbly, timey wimey stuff." Timey Wimey Tees is by no means the first website to offer Doctor Who daily shirt deals. Blue Box Tees and Companion Tees serve the same purpose. If you're a fan of Doctor Who, Timey Wimey Tees is worth following, in the least just in case you miss a Doctor Who t-shirt on one of the other sites. After all, you can't hop in your TARDIS and travel back in time to get Doctor Who shirt deals that you missed.
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