A&E Storage Wars t-shirt

A&E Storage Wars t-shirt
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The gambler, the mogul, the young gun and the collector…they may sound like names of tarot cards or playing pieces from a board game, but to people who are looking for a Storage Wars t-shirt like this one, they are aliases for Darrell Sheets, Dave Hester, Jarrod Schultz (who buys with his wife Brandi Passante) and Barry Weiss.  If their adventures in buying old storage lockers give you a rush, this tee might too.  The best part is that you don’t have to go through an intense auction to get it.

The hit A&E TV show Storage Wars that is represented by this tee follows Dan and Laura Dotson, the owners of American Auctioneers, as they auction off unpaid storage lockers in California to the highest bidder.   At the beginning of each auction, they recite the rules of the sale which often goes, “We are going to remove the lock and open the door.  We’ll give you five minutes to look around.  You can’t go inside.  You can’t open any boxes.  Whoever has the most cash can certainly own it.”  Sounds pretty basic, that is, until you see all of the competition.

In comes a crowd of potential buyers and the show’s four regulars, which include thrift shop owners, antique collectors and resellers.  Things heat up as they try to use intimidation and deep pockets to outsmart and outbid their competition.  Since they can’t rummage through the items before purchase, they are almost blindly bidding in hopes of finding a treasure and turning a profit.  This Storage Wars shirt is for someone who loves watching people take a risk but prefers betting on the sure thing.  Snag yours today; you are a guaranteed winner that way.

Sold by: Amazon   Category: TV   

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