Fandom Shirts - $10
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New Spiderman

New Spiderman

Designed by Amdy Design and discovered at Fandom Shirts.
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Fandom Shirts Review | Vitals:
Updates: Sunday at Midnight EST
Genres: Geek, Comics, Movies, TV, Games
Prints On: 100% Ring-Spun Cotton
Printing Method: Screen
Pays Artists: $1 Per Sale
Founded: 2013
Price at Launch: $10
Current Price: $14
Fandom Shirts Site Review | Summary:

Fandom Shirts started out as Weekly Shirts but has since been rebranded. As you might have guessed by the name, they offer a weekly selection of limited edition geeky shirts related to various fandoms. These are the same folks behind the now defunct Blue Box Tees and Zebra Tees, with the first selling limited edition Doctor Who shirts and the latter less costly black and white tees. In addition to rebranding, prices have also gone up across their sites. With over $4 U.S. shipping (to PA), the new prices alone will likely cancel out any initial benefit from rebranding. Still, Fandom Shirts is a more specific and welcomed name than Weekly Shirts.
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