Thank You - Have a Nice Day tee

Thank You - Have a Nice Day tee
have a nice day
have a nice day
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This Thank You t-shirt is an amusing spoof of the memorable plastic bag design.  As the world tries to abolish the use of plastic grocery bags entirely, with some stores even adding surcharges to use them, I find this Have a Nice Day t-shirt design comforting.  It takes me back to all of the times my milk and eggs ended up on the sidewalk instead of in the house.  At least the bag's message was always polite, as emphasized by the front of this tee.

Have you ever noticed that you don't say thank you for everything you should, or that you often forget to say it to the people closest to you?  This common courtesy is habitually overlooked and I catch myself doing it occasionally too.  Sometimes a thank you is all someone needs to hear to have a nice day and the great part is it's free!  Few things in life are free, so why are we stingy with our positive words?  Negativity tends to run rampant in today's society, so take this moment to step back and think about what you are grateful for.  Don't hesitate to let the person know.

Let this Thank You t-shirt be a reminder to thank your waitress for the refill, the taxi driver for picking you up, your spouse for bringing in the trash can, or your parents for always being there for you.  Thank you for taking the time to check out this tee and have a nice day!

Sold by: RedBubble   Category: Retro   

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